The 8th GLOBELICS International Conference is a premier event that aims at facilitating the employment of learning, innovation, and competence building system (LICS) in developing countries, emerging economies and societies in transition. The conference will investigate unique systemic features and generic good practices to highlight policy making associated with innovation, competence building, international competitiveness, regional development, labour market and human capital development. The conference will feature various sessions like keynote speeches, plenary and paper sessions, as well as a workshop for senior policy makers. The 8th GLOBELICS International Conference, with the main theme “Making Innovation Work for Society: Linking, Leveraging and Learning”, will give the opportunity to listen to the professional expert’s views and ideas.
- Science and technology for the poor
- Managing innovation and entrepreneurship
- Human capital: domestic build up, brain drain, brain gain, brain exchange and brain circulation
- Measuring innovation, technical change and productivity
- IPR regimes, indigenous knowledge and innovation for development
- Culture, society, ethics and innovation
- Multinationals and knowledge flows
- Macro, meso and micro interactions
- Sectoral innovation systems
- Health and healthcare innovation systems
- Energy, environment and development
Visitor Profile
- Economists
- Financial advisors
- University heads
- Faculty
- Students
- Social welfares organization
- NGOs
- Philosophers
- Psychologists
- Media
- Scholars
University of Malaya