Mailcom 2011 Washington DC is the foremost event that is intended to promote the development of the art and science of mail communications. The event will provide the attendees a unique opportunity to explore the available prospects for their company and their career. It will bring a number of industry’s leading vendors to demonstrate helpful product and services to the potential consumers. The 31st Annual Mailcom Conference & Exhibition will serve as the perfect platform to learn how to move forward mail and support services more cost-efficiently. Mailcom 2011 Washington DC will offer comprehensive information regarding, Mail printing, processing and finishing systems, Cutting distribution costs, postage and express bills, Automating mail and distribution systems/outsourcing, Equipment, software, and technology options.
Visitor Profile
The targeted visitors at the 31st Mailcom 2011 Washington DC are:
- Industry Delegates
- Business people
- Entrepreneurs
- Private mail & parcel companies
Exhibitor Profile
The targeted exhibitors at Mailcom 2011 Exhibition Washington DC include:
- Mail & express operators
- Suppliers
- Post department
- Parcel companies