Anime North 2011 is one of the leading and renowned events dedicated to animation industry, in Canada. The event focuses on animated and art products, which include video games, art pieces, craft masterpieces, clothing, comics, dolls and many other items. The exhibitors will display their latest products, artwork and anime collection in front of the industry professionals and potential buyers. It will offer a unique opportunity for attendees to explore the finest products, as well as meet face-to-face with industry renowned artisans, craftsmen and artist, share their lifetime experiences and gain valuable knowledge about these products. The gaming industry professionals will launch, demonstrate their latest 2D and 3D games, build brand market and promote animation industry across the global markets. Anime North 2011 will be divided into various segments, such as games show, convention, exhibition, business meeting, video programming and many other programs. This is a must attend show for those who are related to animation industry, or those who are seeking latest product, entertainment & fun factor in the industrial market.
Visitor Profile
The targeted visitors at Anime North 2011 are:
- Artists
- Designers
- Animators
- Craftsmen
- Manufacturers
- Producers
- Traders
- General Public
- Gaming Programmers
Exhibitor Profile
The profile for exhibits at Anime North 2011 includes:
- Buttons
- Key Chains
- Bookmarks
- Origami
- Paper Dolls
- Comics
- Kimono
- Costumes
- 2D and 3D Artwork Pieces
- Video Games
- Tabletop Games
- Other Products
Anime North