World Consumer Show 2011 is the most noteworthy trade fair for consumer goods industry in Uzbekistan. The show will forward an excellent platform for the exhibitors to put on show a broad range of textiles, handlooms, jewelry, fashion accessories as well as electrical goods. Attendees will get a fabulous chance to explore the latest designs and distinctive products in the market. The World Consumer Show 2011 will enable the attendees to examine, ask question, and collect information and knowledge relating to consumer goods.
Visitor Profile
The visitor profile at World Consumer Show 2011 would include:
- Suppliers
- Distributors
- Exporters
- Wholesalers
- Merchandising agents
- Jewelers
- Retailers
- Designers
- Importers
- General public
Exhibitor Profile
The exhibitor profile at World Consumer Show 2011 would include professionals associated with:
- Textile
- Handloom
- Handicrafts
- Artificial jewelry
- Consumer electrical goods
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