CEPSI 2010 is an important conference in the Asia-Pacific region. The theme of the conference will be “Challenges and Opportunities for the Electric Power Industry in an Uncertain Era”. The event will act as a certified podium of the electric power industry. The episode will provide avenues for chief executives, managers and high ranking officials and everyone in the power industry. This occasion is for power generation, transmission and distribution to customer relationship management. CEPSI 2010 exhibition will serve as an important platform for assembling rising demand with more power supply.
The conference will cover the topics mentioned below:
- Nuclear Generation & Advanced Development
- Emission Monitoring and Control
- Power System Economics and Demand Side Management
- Smart Grid, AMI and Demand Response
- Distributed Power Generation, Renewable Energy and New Energy
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- Business & Utility Management
- Power System Dynamics and System Modeling
- Retrofit of Existing Power Generation Technology -Efficiency Improvement
- A Transition of Subcritical Power Plant to Ultra Supercritical Power Plant
- Modern Control Center Technologies, Substation Automation
- Green Energy and New Energy
- Smart Grid Transmission
Visitor Profile
The visitors at CEPSI 2010 would include:
- Energy Professionals
- Consultants
- Analysts and Research Fellows
- Journalists in Energy or Power Industry Related
- Consultants
- Analysts and Research Fellows in Power Industry
- Energy Company Executives and Employees
- Energy Governmental Executives and Employees
- Company Executives and Employees in Power Industry Related
- Governmental Executives and Employees in Power Industry Related
- AESIEAP Members
- Power Company Executives and Managers
- Supervisors in Power Industry Related
- Professionals