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Trade Show Directory:  Sydney:  Australian Hedge Fund Forum 2009

Australian Hedge Fund Forum 2009

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Start Date 02-09-2009 End Date02-09-2009
Venue Sydney
City Sydney Country Australia
Category Finance & Investment, Policy & Management

Event Profile

Australian Hedge Fund Forum 2009 will bring together Institutional and Retail Investors under one roof to discuss about the latest investment strategies, risk management practices and portfolio construction. The forum will provide a great opportunity to investors to discuss their experience about Hedge Fund Investment.

The 7th annual Australian Hedge Fund Forum 2009 will cover the following issues:

  • Strategies for better hedge funds performance
  • How the credit crunch has affected the appointment of prime brokers
  • Opportunities for product manufacturer
  • How hedge funds can better manage investor expectations
  • How to manage the risks associated with investing in hedge funds
  • Fund of funds versus single strategy - which way to participate
  • How much of a long-term portfolio should be in hedge funds
  • Which sectors should be avoided

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