Updates in Legal Professional Indemnity Insurance is an important event for all those in the legal professionals. The occasion would attract leading lawyers, legal academics, judges and others to discuss on the key issues of the legal profession in the Asia pacific region. The main motive of this conference is to encourage professional and business relations between lawyers, businesses and government representatives in the Asia Pacific region. A large number of law society representatives, claims solicitors, reinsurers, insurers from a wide range of jurisdictions are expected to attend this event. Attendees will get a unique opportunity to gain deep insights in to risk management, claims management and regulatory issues. This episode will also include in-depth industry case studies, keynote presentations from leading, well established firms, roundtable discussions, interactive panel debates.
The conference will discuss on the key topics including:
- Alternative risk transfer, reinsurance options and alternative markets
- Global trends in reinsurance for lawyers professional indemnity
- Developments in the United Kingdom
- Developments in Canada
- Changing behavior - risk management and the legal profession
Visitor Profile
The targeted visitors at Updates in Legal Professional Indemnity Insurance would include:
- Law society representatives
- Claims solicitors
- Reinsurers
- Insurers
- Lawyers
- Legal academics
- Judges
- Others