The International Conference on Distributed, High-Performance and Grid Computing (DHPGC 2009) will provide a common platform where engineers, researchers, scientists, and scholars will discuss their experience, new concepts, and research outcome on all aspects of distributed, high-performance and grid computing.
International Conference on Distributed, High-Performance and Grid Computing (DHPGC 2009) is a premier forum that covers the following topics:
- Cluster and Grid Computing
- Cluster computing
- Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
- Agent architectures for grid and distributed environments
- Architectural support for high-speed communications or interconnection networks
- Collaboration technologies
- Communication and Networking Systems
- Computational grids
- Distributed applications
- Efficient communication interfaces for distributed computing
- Extracting knowledge from data grids
- Mobile Grid Computing
- Multi-core and Multithreaded Architectures
- Multimedia and collaborative applications
- Resource Management and Scheduling
- Security and Privacy
- Security in computational and data grids
- Agent-based data extraction in distributed systems
- Applications and case studies of Grid computing
- Security in distributed environments
- Wireless and Mobile Computing
- Security, configuration, policy, and management issues
- Semantic Grid
- Software environments and language support for Grid computing
- Terabit network architectures
- Web-based Computing and Service-Oriented Architecture
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology