International Conference on Asian Language Processing 2009 is a significant conference targeted on Asian language processing in Singapore. The conference is being organized by Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society (COLIPS) in association with IEEE Singapore Computer Chapter (IEEE Singapore CC). IALP 2009 Conference intends to bring together researchers in different fields of language study from around the world to network and exchange thoughts for the growth of the science and technology of all the aspect of Asian Language Processing.
The International Conference on Asian Language Processing - IALP 2009 will cover a number of topics, including:
- Input and output of large character sets of Asian languages
- Typesetting and font designs of Asian languages
- Asian character encoding and compression
- Multimodal representations and processing
- Voice input and output
- Phonology and morphology
- Lexical semantics and word sense
- Grammars, syntax, semantics and discourse
- Word segmentation, chunking, tagging and syntactic parsing
- Word sense disambiguation, semantic role labeling and semantic parsing
- Discourse analysis
- Language, linguistic and speech resource development
- Evaluation methods and user studies
- Machine learning for natural language
- Text analysis, understanding, summarization and generation
- Text mining and information extraction, summarization and retrieval
- Text entailment and paraphrasing
- Text Sentiment analysis, opinion mining and question answering
- Machine translation and multilingual processing