2nd Microfinance Summit will consider enlarging the scope of impact investing inside and outside the microfinance community, to recognize prospects for investors seeking social good and financial returns. The event provides excellent networking opportunity for attendees to meet the industry leaders and experts. This conference enables you to discuss inventive ways to utilize market forces to transform poverty alleviation & human development. The attendees will get the latest updates on modern debt and equity structures used in current microfinance business. The key theme of the 2nd edition will be "Harnessing Market Forces to Catalyze Poverty Alleviation & Human Development". 2nd Microfinance & Sustainable Development Summit will be a tremendous opportunity to discover significant and money-spinning microfinance and other social enterprise investments.
Visitor Profile
Targeted visitors at 2nd Microfinance Summit 2010 are:
- Risk Management
- Insurance Companies
- Accounting
- Consultants
- Private Equity Firms
- Tech Providers
- Investors
- Funds Managers