Fluidtrans Compomac is one of the premier events in Milan, showcasing the latest innovation in the field of compressed air treatment, analysis instrumentation, hydraulics, pneumatics component, fluids, computing, air-tight techniques and technology. The main objective of the event is to provide products and services that ensure top-rate performance, energy efficiency, dependability, productivity and low environment impact. The aim of Fluidtrans Compomac is to bring together all the professionals, such as leading researchers, engineers, scientists, manufacturers of machinery and students, under one roof. It provides an opportunity for them to exchange their views on maximizing energy saving, increasing productivity, maintenance solutions, flexibility, environment protection in different branches of the industry.
Visitor Profile
- Distributors
- Resellers
- Maintenance officers
- R&D communities and universities
- Technical and production officers
- CEOs
- Marketing and sales managers
- Buyers
- Purchasing managers
- Technicians
- Engineering designers and engineering firms
- Traders
- Importers/Exporters
- Research Institutes
- Industrial Associations/Societies
Exhibitor Profile
- Materials
- Electric and electrical components
- Diagnostics
- Fluid system maintenance
- Professional Literature
- Industrial software
- Materials
- Hydraulics
- Nuclear components
- Thermal components
- Pneumatics
- Compressed air techniques and technolgy
- Chemical components
- Nuclear radiation sensors
- Sensors for robotics
- Liquid analyzers
Fiera Milano International S.P.A.