The Hot Wheels Convention 2010 is an outstanding gathering for the enthusiasts of motor cars, and car races and racing video games, in Mexico. This show has been specially designed for the promotion of buying and selling of cars and the exchange of hot wheels game. This three-day convention is divided into various sections including contest, games, and awards. Convención Hot Wheels will provide a platform to launch and demonstrate new cars and video game by global companies. The 3rd The Hot Wheels Convention 2010 is the best place to grab the full knowledge of new launches of cars and videos game, and to participate in various exciting contests competitions.
Visitor Profile
The targeted visitors at the 3rd Hot Wheels Convention 2010 are:
- Trade & Consumer Press
- Media
- Kids
- Distributors
- Chain Buyers
- Licensing Companies
- Educators
- Racers
- Retailers
- General Public
Exhibitor Profile
The targeted exhibitors at Convención Hot Wheels 2010 are:
- Car Manufacturer
- Motoring Experts
- Games Developers
- Movie Studios and TV
- Video Game Publishers
- Toy Companies
- Licensing Companies
- Retailers and Dealers