CSMR 2010 or European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, will be a leading forum on the theory and practice of reengineering, maintenance and evolution of existing software systems. This is because people rely on software for their day to day operations (home/business and industrial use). Business men and entreprenuers, on the other hand, are looking for cost-effective maintenance, production and operation of their systems. Therefore, the demand for reliable good quality software is an essential part of end user expectation. This factor is also an index for the success or failure of a company using the software product. CSMR 2010 will cover a special track on research projects in Europe presenting interesting ongoing researches and the recent industry services. The event will attract participants from across the world.
Visitor Profile
The targeted visitors at CSMR 2010 would include:
- Industry representatives
- Faculty members
- Scholar students
- Leading engineers
- Department chairpersons
- Consultants
- University presidents
- Leading engineers
- Academic scientists
- College deans
- IT experts
- Industry researchers
- Related professionals
- Education Administrators
- Engineers
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos