Pervasive Health 2009 - 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, is being organized by the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, ICST, Belgium and Center for Research And Telecommunication Experimentation for NETworked communities, CREAT-NET, Italy. Pervasive healthcare is an emerging research discipline, focusing on the development and application of pervasive and ubiquitous computing technology for healthcare and wellness. The Pervasive Healthcare conference aims to bring together technology experts, practitioners, industry and national authorities contributing towards the development and application of human-centered pervasive and ubiquitous computing technology for healthcare and wellness.
Pervasive Health 2009 will cover many topics, such as:
• Technology
• Design and evaluation of patient and ambient-related sensors
• Wearable and implantable sensor integration
• Sensor networks for pervasive healthcare
• Data fusion in pervasive healthcare environments
• Physiological models for interpreting medical sensor data
• Decision support algorithms for sensor analysis
• User Needs
• Usability and acceptability issues
• Social implications
• Coverage and delivery of pervasive healthcare services
• Diversity of patients and their specific requirements
• Telemedicine
• Applications
• Clinical applications, validation and evaluation studies
• Pervasive healthcare applications for citizen for chronic disease management & health risk management
• Health promotion, and disease prevention
• Wearable, ambient and home based health and wellness measurement and monitoring technologies
• Continuous vs. event-driven monitoring of patients in diverse environments
• Feedback
• Management of Pervasive Healthcare
• Business cases and cost issues
• Electronic citizen-managed health records
• Security and privacy in pervasive healthcare
• Training of healthcare professional for pervasive healthcare
• Legal and regulatory issues in pervasive healthcare
• Insurance payments and cost aspects
• Standards and interoperability in pervasive healthcare
• Using mobile devices for healthcare information storage, update, and transmission