Air Tankers and Aerial Refuelling conference 2011 intends to provide a strategic platform for the AAR community, to debate the future of Air to Air Refuelling. The conference programme has been carefully designed to provide expert insight and discuss pressing issues, like how refuelling of Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) will change AAR operations, what Commercial Tanker services can be utilised to provide AAR capability, etc. It will also be helpful in exploring the role of current cargo assets, for developing AAR capability as well as examining developments from recent Air to Air Refuelling operations.
Air Tankers and Aerial Refuelling Conference 2011 will focus on a number of topics including:
- Aerial refuelling: The strategic importance of tankers
- US Air Force AAR concept of operations
- World tanker overview
- The future of international AAR co-operation
- Air To Air refuelling capability of the French Air Force
- Developing an AAR Capability from current air transport assets
- US Marine Corps AAR operations
- Aerial refuelling of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
- The future of Air to Air refuelling
Visitor Profile
The targeted visitors at Air Tankers and Aerial Refuelling Conference 2011 are from the following categories:
- Aerospace Consultants
- Aerospace Analysts
- Engineers
- Air Space Management
- Commercial Air Services
- Energy Investors
- Power and Energy Companies
- Tank Operators
- Government Agencies and Policy Makers