GCA 2009 - The 2009 International Conference on Grid Computing and Applications aims to provide an excellent forum to the participants to exchange and share their experiences and latest research work related to grid computing. The researchers, engineers and scientists will present their research work and discuss on every aspect of it.
GCA 2009 will cover the following topics:
- Software integration technologies in grid systems
- Grid technology and security
- Grid computing virtual organization and policy
- Grid computing security
- Policy requirements and implications
- Software engineering support for grid computing
- Grid information services
- User development environment and programming tools for grid computing
- Internet-based computing models
- Creation and management of virtual enterprises
- Information/knowledge grids
- Grid middleware and toolkits
- Grid monitoring, management, and organization tools
- Cloud computing
- Evolution of grid standards
- Architectures for grid computing
- Performance evaluation and modeling
- Web services and web security in grid computing
- P2P computing
- Wireless enhanced grid systems
- Grid and cluster integration
- Data grid management systems
- Resource management, reservation, scheduling, and load balancing
- Resource discovery
- Programming models, tools and environments
- Grid architectures and fabrics
- Grid object metadata and schemas
- Case studies
- Grid application and deployment environments
- Interconnects and protocols for grids
- e-Science and virtual instrumentation
- Grid survivability
- Grid enabled virtual organizations
- Grid computing scenarios and applications in science, engineering, and commerce
- e-Business applications
- Major grid initiatives
The University of Georgia, Department of Computer Science