HuntEx 2011 is one of the most exciting trade exhibitions in the field of hunting and other outdoor activities, in Johannesburg. The event will showcase the best products and services of hunting weapon, ammunition and accessories. It has been planned under the collaboration of the South African Hunters and Wildlife Conservation Association and AMaConference along with the back up support by the other hunting organization and industry experts. The exhibition will help in maintaining a healthy relationship among the buyers and will provide the accessibility to the market with the latest products and services. HuntEx 2011 will also provide the perfect environment for networking and to keep a constant connection with the competitors to bring out the most exquisite products. It will also help in maintaining the highest status of the companies in the market.
Visitor Profile
The targeted visitors’ profiles at the HuntEx 2011 are:
- Hunting and Shooting Professionals
- Trade Public
- Gun Shop Owners
- Registered Shooters
- Outdoor Enthusiasts
Exhibitor Profile
The profile for exhibits at the HuntEx 2011 are from:
- Ammunition
- Camping
- Clothing
- Fly-fishing
- Hunting Accessories
- Hunting Services
- Lodges
- Meat Preparation
- Photography
- Taxidermy
- Vehicles
- Weapons