OFFICEXPO 2012 is a premier event dedicated to the design and management of the office environment. This episode will be held along with the Istanbul Furniture Fair. Both the shows will offer a perfect stage to display the last trends and innovations, technologies, designs, appliances and ideas of decoration. This event will create a special attraction among the attendees by showcasing several ideas of future offices, green offices, healthy offices, innovation, and design. Visitors will come in direct contact with experts and get ideas on building, renovation, and decorating of offices. It will be a perfect place to discuss business needs and find the office set up under one roof. Several design contests, seminars and surprise activities will be arranged within the fair framework. OFFICEXPO 2012 is a must attend event for professionals involved with design and decoration industry.
Visitor Profile
The visitors at OFFICEXPO 2012 would include:
- Chain Cafe/Restaurant/Fast-food companies
- Cinema and Theatre Show Centers
- Hotels
- Hospitals
- Banks
- Public Foundations
- Conference Hall Administrators
- Military Foundations
- Chambers of Trade and Industry
- Universities and Education Foundations
- Municipalities
- Holdings
- Internet Cafe
- Administrations and Investors of Airports
Exhibitor Profile
The exhibitor profile at OFFICEXPO 2012 would include professionals associated with:
- Commitment
- Furniture and Equipments
- Modular Office Furniture
- Turn-Key Type Project
- Contract Furniture
CNR Ekspo Trade Fairs.