WSPID 2009 is the global congress on pediatric infectious diseases. It will bring together thousands of internationally renowned specialists dedicated to the treatment and prevention of pediatric infectious diseases. This 6th biennial congress will discuss on a list of broad topics such as infections, Sepsis , Antibiotics, CNS, Immunology, Epidemiology, Bacteriology, Influenza, Vaccines, Ambulance Management, Hospital and Health-care, HIV/AIDS and R & D projects. Along the show several sessions, scientific programs will be held to facilitate several networking opportunities for the researchers and entrepreneurs. WSPID 2009 will be an excellent venue to present the findings and gain insight from the experts.
These are the salient features of the WSPID conference:
- Plenary Sessions
- Consensus Symposia
- Society Symposia
- Meet the Professor Breakfast Sessions
- Poster Sessions
- Best Paper Award
Visitor Profile
The prospective visitors at WSPID 2009 include:
- Specialists
- Speakers
- Government Officials
- Research Groups
- Scholars
- Labs
Exhibitor Profile
The prospective exhibitors at WSPID 2009 include:
- Pharmaceutical Companies
- Commercial Companies
The World Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases (WSPID)