FITECMA 2011 is a meeting point unique in Argentina which focuses on the promotion of the largest and best use of wood. The 10th edition of FITECMA will also focus on several training activities and practical demonstrations to provide solutions in different sectors such as manufacturing, laying or application of the different products. The visitors will get in touch with the advances of the main trends, new developments and innovations applied to materials. The event will provide an excellent chance for a creative dialogue by means of interplaying exchange of know-how with exhibitors and technicians.
Trend Shows
Specially Designed Presentations
Visitor Profile
The targeted visitors at FITECMA 2011 are people including:
- Manufacturers of Finished Products and Half-finished of Wood
- Sawed and Half-finished wood Producers
- Wood Remanufacturers
- Furniture Manufacturers
- Foresters
- Carpenters
- Architects
- Engineers
- Wood craftsmen
- Wholesalers
- Distributors
- Service Suppliers
- Technicians
- Retailers of Furniture and Decoration
- Constructors
- Decorators
- Upholsterers
- Baking Professionals
- Public Administration Representatives
Exhibitor Profile
The targeted exhibitors at FITECMA 2011 are from the following product categories:
- Supplies such as Metal Parts, Materials and Components for Furniture and Packaging Products
- Architectural Woodworking Techniques in Beams, Doors and Windows
- Machinery and Tools
- Educational and Technological Institutions
- Companies and Organizations of Services
- Technical Publications
- Banks
- Government Departments