Working in SIEFs -Tasks and Obligations under REACH is a forum to update the attendees on the tasks and obligations under Substance Information Exchange Forum as devised by the REACH regulation. The event provides enough chance for the participants to receive advice, recommendations and experience from the eminent speakers about what is currently happening. In addition to the presentations and real industry examples given by the experts, delegates will have the opportunity to discuss in groups on the specific topics, which will allow exchange on views regarding the various aspects of the legislation norms. Working in SIEFs -Tasks and Obligations under REACH will ensure that companies understand the tasks and obligations in a SIEF environment and deal with the situation accordingly.
This workshop will give you clear understanding on the following things:
- Review the purpose of a Substance Information Exchange Forum (SIEF)
- Role of Consortia in SIEFs
- SIEF Management and Communication
- Data / Cost Sharing Solutions
- Issues in the use of Studies
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The expected attendees at Working in SIEFs -Tasks and Obligations under REACH would include:
- Policy Makers
- EU Representatives
- Eminent Speakers
- Professors
- Company Representatives