EWI's Seventh Annual Worldwide Security Conference is one of the major events focused on the global security in the world. The event will offer a great platform to reframe perceptions of international security threats and opportunities and determine concrete steps to protect people, economies and infrastructure around the world. It will provide an excellent environment for networking and debate among leading policy makers, specialists, business executives, community leaders and journalists from around the world. The conference will be beneficial to encourage progressive improvement in the way global security is managed and reviewed.
EastWest Institute's 7th Annual Worldwide Security Conference 2010 will explore the following issues: Cyber threats, financial risk and economic security, Economic crisis: social radicalization and risk management, Business resilience after bio-threats, Cyber threats: Russian, Indian and Chinese perspectives, Trade recovery contingencies after terrorist attacks, Integration of Russian ICT systems into European infrastructure, Business leaders’ role in international cybersecurity, Towards a global Energy Security Council, Customs organizations and online criminal activities, Afghanistan-Pakistan Regional Economic Cooperation, Counter-radicalization in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and NATO goes global? What role for Russia?
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EWI (EastWest Institute) Brussels