SLAQ/IASL 2010 Conference is specially intended for primary, secondary and tertiary teacher-librarians, librarians, teachers, library assistants, administrators, educational advisors from government and non-government educational institutions. The School Library Association of Queensland Biennial Conference and the 39th International Association of School Librarianship Annual Conference will offer an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the most recent resources for education in the 21st century. The conference will comprise of the following key tracks: Developing curriculum; Delivering excellence through standards; Supporting the digital education agenda; and Building literate communities. SLAQ / IASL 2010 Conference will focus on the growth of creative and literate learners, application of standards in information and digital literacy, and will also address alterations in information & communication technologies and the impact on education and learning programs.
Visitor Profile
The targeted visitors at SLAQ/IASL 2010 Conference are:
- Primary, secondary and tertiary teacher-librarians
- Teachers
- Librarians
- Library assistants
- Administrators
- Educational advisors from government and non-government educational institutions
International Association of School Librarianship