Smart Grid China Summit 2010 is the major conference of China's power grid industry. This conference will aim to bring together leading experts from smart technology, T&D automation, government authority, R&D organizations, consulting and investment. The attendees will gain the true sight of industry authorities for China's Smart Grid. This event will be an unrivaled opportunity for industry players looking at the rich potential of the China market. The forum will provide an opportunity to network with the leading thought leaders and learn about the most advanced technologies and solutions in smart grid. Smart Grid China Summit 2010 is the ultimate forum to discover the most innovative opportunities in power grid's development and China's active market.
Visitor Profile
Targeted visitors at Smart Grid China Summit 2010 are:
- Vice Presidents
- Presidents/CEOs
- Decision Makers
- Directors
- CIOs
- Chief Electrical Engineers
- Energy Analysts
IGVision International Corporation