The IASTED International Conference on Advancements in Management Science and Risk Assessment 2009 - AMSRA 2009 - is going to be held from 12 to 14 0ctober 2009. The conference will be a place for research scientists, engineers, and practitioners from all over the world to meet each other. The conference will be a platform where they can share and exchange their views and ideas. It will have discussions on the latest developments and applications in Advancements in Management Science and Risk Assessment. The conference will cover a wide range of topics out of which some are
- Management Science
- Modelling
- Simulation
- Forecasting
- Data mining
- Decision analysis
- Business strategy
- Operations research
- Optimization
- Information systems
- Finance
- Financial engineering
- Project management
- Supply chain management
- Marketing
- Organization
- Quality control
- Innovation
- Others
- Applications and Case Studies
- Risk Assessment
- Risk theory and uncertainty modeling
- Risk assessment approaches and methodologies
- Quantitative and qualitative risk assessment
- Vulnerability and threat assessment
- Risk avoidance versus risk management
- Information security management systems concept (ISMS)
- Risk database and software development
- Potential risk treatments
- Risk-based design method
- Trend analysis and forecasting Risk philosophy
- Historical analysis
- Risk reducing strategies
- Risk charting (Risk mapping)
- Risk transfer
- Legal risk
- Risk life cycle
- Implementing controls