First World Young Earth-Scientists Congress 2009 is a crucial conference for geological scientists in the world. It will aim to assemble young representatives from major geological organizations, young leaders in politics and administrative bodies under one roof. YES Congress 2009 will focus on the global climate, environmental and geological challenges and issues of contemporary world. The event will provide a unique platform to meet potential policy makers, advisors and decision makers.
Young Earth-Scientists Congress 2009 will cover the following topics in the two day conference:
- Groundwater - Towards Sustainable Use
- Hazards - Minimizing Risk, Maximizing Awareness
- Earth & Health - Building a Safer Environment
- Climate - The "Stone Tape"
- Solid Mineral Resources - "Towards Sustainable Use"
- Energy Resources - "Towards Sustainable Use"
- Mega cities - Going Deeper, Building Safer
- Deep Earth - From Crust to Core
- Ocean - Abyss of Time
- Soils - The Living Skin of the Earth
- Earth & Life - Origins of Diversity
- The Tibet Plateau Uplift, Changes and Global Changes
- Digital Earth Engineering
- Geoheritage Conversation and Geoparks
Young Earth-Scientists Society Network