28th International IALP Congress will be held in Athens for the first time. It aims to cover educational, technical and specialized issues related to language, voice, speech, communication, hearing and swallowing disorders and sciences in kids as well as adults. The topic of discussion will be "where the sciences of communication meet the art and culture". Professionals who are involved in language, audiology, voice, speech, communication and swallowing sciences and disorders will come from all over the world and discuss about latest advances in the industry. The occasion would also include seminars, symposia and free paper presentations on Motor Speech Disorders, Dysphagia, Audiology, Multilingual Affairs, Child Language, Fluency, Alternative and Augmentative Communication, Aphasia, Phoniatrics, Voice, Education for Speech and Language Pathology. Main reports would be presented on Autism, Neuroplasticity, The complexity of social/cultural dimension in communication disorders.
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IALP (International Congress of the International Association of Logopedists and Phoniatrics)